About Christ Church
Christ Church is a family-focused Episcopal church located in Medway, MA, about 25 miles west of Boston. Our members come from diverse faiths and backgrounds and we welcome that diversity.
Christ Church is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. Our parish is rich in the heritage and tradition of the Episcopal Church and also reflects today's world. We respect individual thought and reason as we meditate together upon Christian Scripture and seek to live lives full of worship and joy.
Christ Church is a spiritual, inclusive, welcoming, multi-generational community, seeking to strengthen our connectedness to God and our neighbor. We celebrate a traditional liturgy in an informal environment. We provide generous hospitality, serving as a beacon of Christian love and witness to the Medway area community.
Christ Church is a family-focused Episcopal church located in Medway, MA, about 25 miles west of Boston. Our members come from diverse faiths and backgrounds and we welcome that diversity.
Christ Church is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. Our parish is rich in the heritage and tradition of the Episcopal Church and also reflects today's world. We respect individual thought and reason as we meditate together upon Christian Scripture and seek to live lives full of worship and joy.
Christ Church is a spiritual, inclusive, welcoming, multi-generational community, seeking to strengthen our connectedness to God and our neighbor. We celebrate a traditional liturgy in an informal environment. We provide generous hospitality, serving as a beacon of Christian love and witness to the Medway area community.
The History of Christ Church
Christ Church began in 1865 as St. Clement's Church when several area communities worked together to build an Episcopal church. The church prospered until Sunday, February 5, 1871 when, on the coldest day of the year, an overheated furnace caused the church to burn down in a matter of minutes.
The beautiful historic stone structure was built over the next decade by a particularly talented local stone mason and veteran of the Union Army named Elmer Videtto. The parish was renamed Christ Church. The first service was held on Christmas Eve, 1881. The Parish House adjoining the church, named after Mary Croswell, was built from the same local stones and completed on April 25, 1899. The hall provides a large meeting space, a kitchen, a stage, offices and classrooms.
We experienced tremendous growth in the 1990's and our first female priest, the Rev. Margaret Quill, also came to be our first full-time priest. Today we boast an energetic, tight-knit community of members–spanning the generations–who are dedicated to growing the church's presence in our community and welcoming more people to join us in worship and service.
To receive our newsletter, please call the church and leave a message (508-533-7171), sign up on this website, or send an email to info@cecmedway.org.
The beautiful historic stone structure was built over the next decade by a particularly talented local stone mason and veteran of the Union Army named Elmer Videtto. The parish was renamed Christ Church. The first service was held on Christmas Eve, 1881. The Parish House adjoining the church, named after Mary Croswell, was built from the same local stones and completed on April 25, 1899. The hall provides a large meeting space, a kitchen, a stage, offices and classrooms.
Throughout the years, the structures have undergone renovations (mostly recently new heating and cooling in 2017 and a remodeled kitchen in 2018). The church population has alternatively grown and declined but has always shown the same faith and resilience it showed when it rebuilt itself after the fire.
To receive our newsletter, please call the church and leave a message (508-533-7171), sign up on this website, or send an email to info@cecmedway.org.
14 School St., Medway, MA 02053